Sunday, March 30, 2008

TV sports drought begins

Even if basketball isn't my favorite sport, I love our basketball team and today's game was very hard to watch. 85-67 is certainly not how I imagined this season ending, but Memphis has to be given credit for being an extremely talented basketball team. I'm not sure what I was expecting out of this game, but I know I was at least hoping for a neck-and-neck triple overtime game for the ages. Worse still, is the fact that my least favorite part of the year has started: college sports drought. Sure there is baseball going on, and I will be going to as many of those games as I can, but baseball is much harder to get excited about when MAYBE 1 in 10 games makes it on TV. Oh well, let the NBA speculation begin. How scary would our basketball team be if we kept everyone (doubtful)? Here's a good memory to improve your spirits though:

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