Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Spring Scrimmage: Special Teams

In the previous three spring scrimmages I attended, at least one punt or kick return was ran back for a touchdown. Naturally I assumed that this scrimmage would be no different, and it nearly wasn't.

Mack Brown and co. have said several times in the press conferences following the scrimmage that the main focus was to get newer players exposure and reps. This strategy was most evident in the players who had the opportunity to run back punts and kickoffs, as both of our regular kick returners are back from last year as seniors. Jordan Shipley and Quan Cosby actually didn't return any kicks, but since they've had moderate success since 2006, they are unlikely to be replaced. The very first kickoff return was also the most successful return, and it was returned by James Kirkendoll. He scampered 40+ yards before working his way out of bounds, but was about one cutback from going the distance. Other players who saw return action were Chykie and Curtis Brown, but neither managed to get above average return yards.

The main impression I was left with involving the kickers featured in the scrimmage, is that true freshman (high school senior?) Justin Tucker is a beast. His kick windup is a little different than what I am used to seeing, but the results speak for themselves. Justin sets up about 20 yards behind the ball and really runs up on the ball. His kicks had more distance to them than Ryan Bailey's and Hunter Lawrence's, consistently placing them inside the 10 yard line. Keep in mind that in high school kickers tee off from 10 yards closer than they do in college, and are generally ignored by the coaches. I was really impressed by Justin's one field goal attempt, even if it did come up short. Tucker kicked about 3 yards short on the 50+ yard field goal, BUT he clipped the ground on the kick so badly that he limped off the field. I think that after a good long off season of working out at the collegiate level, Justin will have no problem kicking the ball out the back of the end zone on a regular basis. I couldn't tell you the last time Texas forced a touchback on a kickoff, so needless to say I am very excited about Justin Tucker.

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