Monday, August 25, 2008


I've felt dirty having just the pessimist's outlook on the upcoming season up, so I've been working on that, but in the meantime I stumbled across something that has me feeling somewhat validated. In the latest edition of "Tracking Mack" on our beloved coach seems to have sensed the creeping expectations surrounding this season's squad, and seeks to temper them. From the website:

On the depth chart and having depth: We're trying to find 22, and right now we don't have that. I'd say we're looking more at 14, 15 right now. One of the keys to our success has been depth. We don't have as many great players as everybody acts like we do. In my opinion of watching us for 10 years, we have a lot of really good players that play hard and play well. Because of that, the devastating number of injuries we've had the past two years has not kept us from having a chance, a lot of teams would have been 5-6, and that's what we've sold our guys on. We'd like to play two-deep, but we're not going to play two-deep unless you've earned that right, we're not going to have two out there just because you need to be out there.

Whether he is trying to let us know that we MIGHT not win every single game or trying to get players motivated is another discussion, but if his players attitudes are on his mind, why chose a public forum?

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