Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Alive

We Like Hate Ike:
Survey says hurricanes are way less fun than I initially projected. Getting sloppy drunk during a hurricane was probably a bad idea for two reasons:
  1. The last thing you need when there is a big dangerous storm outside is a sense of invincibility.
  2. You suddenly find yourself really drunk and really scared in the dark. 
I've definitely had better ideas in my life, but it passed the time without power so I can't complain. I'll have some pictures up later this week of Ike rolling in.

The Big Game:
I feel weird and cheated after being unplugged from all media for a football weekend, but I did manage to catch exactly one game live. It just happened to be the worst game of the weekend, but it was college football none the less. In my mind, all USC did was save us all the trouble of having to watch another undefeated tOSU team get destroyed in the National Championship. It makes me happy that a team not from Michigan or Ohio might come out on top of the conference. 

Horns' day off:
I certainly agree with Tim Griffin at ESPN's take that Texas is the biggest loser of the weekend. Even Mack is pretty gloomy about it, if you filter out the practiced coach speak. On top of the fact that the Horns now have a full nine games in a row without a break, I feel like all the buzz and excitement surrounding this team has subsided. I'm reminded of when basketball coaches call timeouts to take some momentum away from the opposing team, except Ike did it. 

Something about Rice:
Geoff Ketchum at ($) is in my brain with his assessment of the importance of this week's game. Not many people are taking Rice in this game (knock on wood, weirder things have happened), but for me it isn't just important that we beat Rice, but that we establish ourselves as a force to be reckoned with. After watching Missouri throw up bomb after bomb to Jeremy Maclin,  one of the fastest receivers I've seen in a while, I can't help but crave a shut down performance by our secondary. More than anything, I want to see our offense come out and establish themselves early. It's easy to crawl into a game against UTEP, but Mizzou and OU won't stop until the bubbles stop. 

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