Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Texas Whisper Chant

Welcome to Texas Whisper Chant, the new University of Texas Longhorn sports blog. I will use this blog to discuss primarily Texas football as it is my main interest, but will occasionally ruminate on any sports team under the Burnt Orange sun.

I made the decision to start this blog when I came upon the realization that I spend more time thinking about, researching, and what would otherwise be considered stalking groups of athletically inclined dudes than any straight male ever should. It doesn't help my case that these dudes happen to spend most of their time wearing tights and attempting to wrestle each other to the ground. Oh well, it is Austin.

The name of this blog comes from the Whisper Chant, a cheer that is taught to all the new Longhorns during their first day of college orientation, but strangely enough is rarely (read: never) used in any Longhorn related activity. In my humble opinion this cheer is so improbably awesome, that chances are Vince's parents were actually yelling this chant the exact moment he was conceived. Don't believe me? ask him. Can't ask him? I win.

If you've never heard of it it's because you went to a different University, but just incase you need a refresher here it is:

t-t-t-e-x, x-x-x-a-s, t-e-x, x-a-s, texas fight. (quiet)
t-t-t-e-x, x-x-x-a-s, t-e-x, x-a-s, texas fight! (mid volume)
T-T-T-E-X, X-X-X-A-S, T-E-X, X-A-S, TEXAS FIGHT!!! (as loud as possible)

Now if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to know this chant (job interview?) you can actually say the right stuff rather than yell drunken obscenities about OU, something about Gabriel, sending everyone to hell, and other unintelligible noises that follow the beat of the Texas Fight Song.

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