Wednesday, March 19, 2008

AAS on running backs

The Austin American-Statesman has an article up about the Longhorns' running back candidates for next year with some quotes from  the coaches that make me feel reasonably optimistic about next year's offense.

"Maybe we'll be playing by committee for a while," Davis said. "Then we'll play the one who gets hot and we'll be fine."

The part that makes me excited about spending a silly amount of money on non-student season tickets next year is the second part of GD's statement. Not because he's, like, totally calling our running backs hawt, but because it indicates the commitment the coaching staff has taken to implementing the accountability system the Longhorn nation enjoyed so much last season. Furthermore, I've never had a major problem with the "running back by committee" system. Actually, if used properly I prefer it because it gives the opposing defense much more to worry about in terms of preparation and it keeps the backs as well rested (and therefore injury-free) as possible during games. 

Texas is tackling more this spring in an effort to toughen the team. That also allows coaches to scrutinize whether backs can break tackles.

I love the idea not only for its merit in seeing which of our talented but unproven ball carriers can actually play, but also for the sake of knowing which players on defense can actually bring someone down and not just forcefully snuggle offensive players to pieces. 

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