Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Keeping feeding the addiction

It's like football off-season Christmas today; posted its latest installment of tracking the horns:

Offensive highlight of the interview:
We came back this spring with an attitude that we had some young guys and we had some guys that we needed to get tested, so we're doing a lot more hitting. The scrimmage the last Wednesday before spring break I think we had 125 snaps or something, and all of it was live. I can't remember in the 10 years I've been here that we've had that many live snaps in a scrimmage, but we were able to evaluate a bunch of different things because of it...

Like I said before, I love the idea, but for the sake of Will Muschamp's unreceded hairline I hope there aren't any major injuries like the ones that plagued the Longhorns' lines last year.

Defensive highlight of the interview:
Football really boils down to blocking on offense and getting a hat on a hat, and on defense, getting off blocks and making tackles, and that's what we’re really trying to emphasize and toughness issues.

It's as if Coach Muschamp is actually Big Brother and knows exactly what to say to pacify me. I bet they got Chris Jesse to write a "How not to get fired at Texas handbook." Even though it sounds ludicrously basic, he perfectly illustrates the two main issues I had with the Horns' defense last year. If I see one more Texas linebacker hug-and-slide-off someone with the ball in the backfield I might actually poop in my hand and throw it onto the field. Boom, bet you didn't see that coming Stephen McGee.

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