Thursday, July 31, 2008

Three most important players

It is impossible to deny that the 2008 secondary is going to need to play out of their very talented minds in order for the Horns to be competitive in conference play this season. To me, however, the most important position, not only on defense, but for the entire team is going to be defensive tackle. The scary part? We have a junior, a senior, and a gaggle of goofy freshman listed at that position.

Muschamp to the rescue:
Will Muschamp already showed his worth during the spring game by moving Lamarr Houston inside to boost the speed and experience of the unit.  The health of Houston, along with Ben Alexander and Roy Miller, is paramount to the success of the pass rush, and therein the success of the defense this season. Look no further than the Giants to see what effective pressure from a speedy set of DT's can do against an otherwise unstoppable aerial assault.

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