Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I freaking love mb-tf.com

I'm a bit late on this, but mb-tf.com has posted a great set of interviews with a couple of the team leaders for 2008. I really do like these sorts of comments from the actual players because not only does it let me get a decent feeling of what sort of philosophy Mack is instilling in them in practice, but it also reminds me that most of these guys are really college kids and football machine robots. It's hard to remember that when someone drops a deuce on pass coverage, and lets Colt's spine get readjusted, or gets hit in the back of the head by a pass, or forgets what position they are playing. It really levels the playing field in my mind when I am forced to compare them as humans roughly my age. Lets be honest, if I was on the field with them at any position on either side of the ball, I would just be screaming in that falsetto type of scream that makes everyone shut up and stare, and running away from anyone that got even close to me. Mack would have to come find me in the bathroom, probably sobbing, because Sergio Kindle took a few quick steps toward me. Even though I was on defense with him. 

That being said, I really do love what the comments all the players are making in these mini press conferences. My favorite topic of discussion posed to Colt was:

On sustaining the intensity from the end of last season:

His response: 

That's the goal.

Short and sweet, the first sentence is all I needed to hear. I want them to be mad and stay mad like they just lost to A&M for the second time in a row. 

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