Friday, August 15, 2008

Rage, straight into the bloodstream

There, now that your mind is set, let's talk some shit.

FAU's coach, Howard Schnellenberger, didn't make things easier on himself or his Owls with a little verbal diarrhea concerning their upcoming trip to Austin on August 30th. If you haven't yet, take a little eye walk here, fill up your rage tank, and get ready to get really drunk and angry come game day. 

New paragraph means I want to make an emphasized point. For the love of everything that is Texas, I implore you to not post a negative comment on that blog, or any other public forum where you might be associated with the Longhorns. I think it is a great disservice to our otherwise highroad faring football team to represent them in anyway that isn't dignified and respectful. It isn't about looking hard and tough. If you have ever played any kind of sport against another person who is really good at what they do, you know how truly terrifying it is to get obliterated by someone who doesn't need to talk as they do it.

Considering the meager amount of opinions I receive publicly in the comment section of this blog, I fear that I am preaching to the choir, but none the less I feel it important enough to at least make my opinion (and that is all it is) known. 

On a lighter note, less than two weeks until we get to let our displeasure known. 

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