Thursday, September 18, 2008

Party like it's 1947

As in, West Virginia's offense is more boring than old people talking about the past. I truly hope West Virginia's post game talk included a sincere apology from their coach Bill Stewart. The only way I can explain his coaching behavior is that Bill Stewart was actually being controlled by someone playing a video game, who was being distracted by his girlfriend's complaints about how all he ever does is play video games. In what was one of the strangest calls I've seen in a while, Stewart used up all of his timeouts going into the second half, hoping that Colorado's Coach Hawkins wouldn't figure out that if there are three seconds left on the clock and it is fourth down, you aren't required to punt. To make matters worse, Stewart apparently didn't feel that his own final drive, tied 14-14 with under a minute left, was interesting enough to have any idea of what was going on. With two timeouts left, he let the clock run down to :04, and then tried to bomb it into the end zone from half field. 

OT:  Don't look now, but Baylor is looking decent.

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