Monday, September 22, 2008

Top Five Bottom Five: Week 4

Top Five
1. Colt "Tebow is fat" McCoy: Are you freaking kidding me? Where the capital F were you last season? If Colt and his protectorate can play half this well against teams that have the ability to knock him around a little bit, come January we might be asking ourselves if he'll be around in '09. 
2. Jordan "glass corvette" Shipley: Sneakiest human alive. Without doing any research, I know that he is the only player in the NCAA right now to have a touchdown off a trick play in 66% of the games this season. Before Colt even threw the ball off of the sneaktacular flea flicker, there was a moment of silence before the eruption of excitement in the stadium when everyone realized how outrageously open Shipley was. He said after the game "I probably have never been that open in my life." Do it again. All the time.
3. Cody "mopped up yo mama last night" Johnson: Mop up duty be damned, Cody is suddenly our most productive running back. At 4.5 yards per carry, he is doing precisely what we need him to right now. Much attention is being given to Fozzy at the moment, and I also am very excited to see what may come for him, but I would be perfectly sated with letting big Cody loose a couple more snaps per game. 
4. Brian "I'm in your backfield, eating your QB" Orakpo: Okay, so you started a little late, but that works for me because I barely knew where I was for most of the first half anyway. Regardless of who it was against, two sacks for a loss of 29 yards is nothing to scoff at. 
5. Punting: 0/0. 

Honorable mention: Sergio Kindle and Blake Gideon for looking like they own the defense. When has a freshman player even been allowed to start, let alone move senior players around on the field. 

Bottom Five
1. Dan  Buckner: Where you at? Either Dan was secretly injured, or he is still in the dog house for getting bumped off his route against UTEP. When Mack said "we can't use you" if you can't hold blocks and get bumped off routes, I guess he meant it. 
2. Middle LB: Based on the stat sheet, I feel another LB controversy stirring here. Bobino got the start and produced very little, while Norton sat out the first series and had a much better day. The unfortunate truth is that I wasn't extremely impressed by either player. Both over-pursued on play actions, missed assignments in the zone, and took poor angles against slower runners. Time to put all that athleticism to use and bring some pain.
3. Blaine Irby: Very tough to watch this injury, and even tougher to deal with for the offense. The only upside I see is that he will probably get a medical redshirt and be with us for three more seasons. Just a terrible thing to happen to a great player.
4. Henry Melton: You are listed as our power defensive end, do some powerful stuff. As one of the leaders of our ridiculous wealth of defensive ends, he should be the proud owner of a ridiculous stat line. He only played poorly compared to what is expected of him. 
5. Punt Blocks: 0. I'll admit that it is silly to expect a block every week, but it's their fault for giving me a taste.

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