Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Goo Goo g'CU

Dan "the Egg Man" Hawkins is spreading some serious chemical love around Boulder based on some of the comments the CU PR team is letting slip. For further proof, remember that time Darrell Scott was going to be the Buffs star player in an offense designed around him? Someone named Dan Hawkins must have been high, unlike the ranking of CU's future recruits after that bit of wizardry. From the article:

"They didn't respect us. We thought we could go in there and hang with them. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be 70-3. And then in the fourth quarter, blitzing and piling it on, I didn't think that would happen, but it did."

Thanks Coach Hagan, our players were feeling a little flat going into this game, but now that you have spoken out against our moral fiber we are all set!

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