Sunday, October 5, 2008

Top Five Bottom Five: Colorado vs. Texas

Another weekend, another game, another team that tells us absolutely nothing about how far this team can be pushed. As much better as CU was than our out of conference schedule, OU will be that much stronger compared to CU. Shit's about to get real real.

Top Five
1. Chris OH-bon-EYE-uh: The best way I can think to describe his performance on Saturday is that it was gratifying. After not registering a single stat last week and being considered an after-thought in any RB discussion so far this season, I can't think of many other players on this team that deserve a game like this more. Nine attempts for 71 yards and a touchdown on the ground and six receptions for 116 yards and another touchdown (and a tackle) definitely works for me.
2. CHAH-KEE Brown: Brown Set the defensive tone for this game on the very first play. I hope every offensive coordinator in the Big 11 (A&M, not so big) watches that play and understands that although the defensive secondary is young, they are athletic, very well coached, and becoming less and less likely to give up a big play deep. 
3. Brian oh-RACK-poe: The NCAA should be investigating Texas right now, because having Rak on the roster feels like cheating. He had a Drew Kelson moment when he ran stride for stride with Darrell Scott along the sideline during the play that eventually lead to Scott's only noteworthy contribution to the game. Absolutely incredible.
4. SEE-YOU's Kicker: Aric Goodman may have had the biggest positive impact (for the Horns) on the outcome of this game by any single player. Goodman missed three field goals before the Horns made it 21-0, meaning CU could have been looking at 14-9 and a chance to keep the game in reach. The next probable step for him? Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is Finkle, Finkle is a man.
5. Defensive DIS-uh-plin: DollaWill Mu$champ has already made an enormous contribution to the knowledge bank of our defensive play makers. With Rak sniffing out the trick play and staying on Darrell Scott, smothering coverage in the secondary, and Blake Gideon wreaking havoc all over the field, this game was littered with examples of players being where they needed to be at the right time.

Bottom Five
1. Haircuts.
2. Joel Myers and Dave Lapham: Know the rules, you're announcers, it's your job.
3. Darrell Scott: Let this controversy be dead forever. We all know he made a poor choice, but he's the one that has to live with it. Sorry dude, but we look forward to making you look silly for three more years and not for any other reason than that you are an opponent. 
4. CU's fishing lures Cheerleaders: Whoever decided  those crazy shiny golden outfits needs to immediately refer to any and all material available on the Idaho cheerleader's uniforms. Those poor girls don't need any help looking foolish (mm hmm, I said it). 
5. It's starting. I threw up a little in my mouth when I heard the announcer say "if he stays all 4 years." It might have had something to do with being 8 beers deep, but the implications were not lost on my drunken head. It might just be time to get Sherrod Harris and John Chiles ready to start next year, because Colt is having the kind of season that usually doesn't warrant an encore. 

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